Kiki and Sam met after a multitude of serious consequences, spur of the moment decisions, fateful crossroads, gut instincts, serendipitous shenanigans, and a little liquid courage, compounded over generations, throughout millennia dating back to the first known brave moment where, through necessity, tenacity and the will to live by adaptation, that single seminal marine mammal flopped it’s flippers up on dry land and scuttled into the unknown.
But let’s fast forward past the boring parts to 2010.
Kiki and Sam had met before this point though their mutual friend, who we lovingly refer to as “Gutter” sometime around 2007. Kiki’s (over the top description of genre) band, “Lurid Bliss,” played a show with Sam’s 80s hair metal super group, “Live Evil,” and even though both were absolute smoke-shows that night, it happens sometimes that sparks don’t immediately fly. This was the case for Kiki and Sam. Their sparks smoldered, and gathered heat; the red hot embers waiting patiently for the inevitable.
In 2010 the fire was ready and the moment had arrived. After a few back and forth text messages (that are nobody’s business), Kiki invited Sam to her house for a party… as friends… For some reason both considered the other to be out of their league and they set their expectations accordingly.
After a series of perilous circumstances, ill-timed dares and doors that lock automatically, the moment finally came (and it is none of your business what happened next).
What I can tell you is that it was the start of a beautiful relationship that would continue through good times and bad, sickness and health, and bring us all the way to the present day, where finally they are here to prove to the masses what they have known since that infamous night back in 2010: that this couple rocks!

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